Yunus Rajabiy Berta Davydova Viktor Uspensky Mukarram Turhunboeva
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Yunus Rajabiy

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Berta Davydova

03 / 04

Viktor Uspensky

04 / 04

Mukarram Turhunboeva

Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan is in charge of coordination of all activities in the field of ICH based on the legislation of the republic of Uzbekistan.

In accordance to the Law, it: Implements main directions of the state policy in the field of safeguarding and use of objects of cultural heritage; adopts states programmes aimed at safeguarding, preservation, popularization (promotion) and use of objects of intangible cultural heritage; establishes the order of maintenance of State cadaster of objects of tangible cultural heritage and List of objects of intangible cultural heritage; establishes the order of implementation of state control over safeguarding, preservation and use of objects of cultural heritage; approves the conditions for using territories and zones of objects of tangible cultural heritage of republican importance, including those which were inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List; identifies the order and conditions for maintaining historic-cultural reserves, museum-reserves and historic settlements; Identifies the order of organization of historic and cultural expertise (evaluation) of objects of cultural heritage.

One of the main measures in the field of intangible cultural heritage was adoption by the Cabinet of Ministers of the State Programme "On Safeguarding, Preservation, Popularization (Promotion) and Use of ICH in 2010-2020" in the end of 2010. The programme became the core in the efforts aimed at safeguarding of objects (elements) of intangible cultural heritage of Uzbekistan. It indicates necessary measures to be undertaken on the issues of ICH and identifies goals and tasks for relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations and public funds, which are responsible for its implementation. In the period of 2010-2013, the Cabinet of Ministers elaborated and adopted normative and legal documents, in particular, "On Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage" (2010), which specifies the procedure and order of maintenance of National List (inventory) and of other Lists of ICH (for instance, lists of objects recommended for inclusion in the UNESCO Representative List), procedures of implementation of historical and cultural assessment in the field of ICH, etc. This specific normative document also appointed the organization responsible for coordination of the activities of governmental and non-governmental organizations, dealing with ICH – Republican Scientific and Methodological Center for Folk Art, Cultural and Enlightenment Affairs under the Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Also, in accordance with the recent resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, all Palaces and Houses of Culture were reorganized to the Centers of Culture and Recreation of population (there are more than 800 of them). And these newly established centers should pay attention, along with other issues touching upon culture, to the issues of ICH safeguarding.

In general, besides adopting normative and legal documents in the field of ICH, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan annually holds hearings based on the reports on current status of implementation of the State Programme. Finally, it develops the state budget, which is specifically aimed at financing cultural, educational and promotional programmes.

For more information:
Address: 5 Mustaqillik Square, House of Government, Tashkent, 100078, Uzbekistan
Tel.: +998 71 2398114
Fax: +998 71 2398463

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